Liam Neeson stars in Retribution, an immersive ticking clock thriller that straps audiences in for a high-octane ride of redemption and revenge. When a mysterious caller puts a bomb under his car seat, Matt Turner (Neeson) begins a high-speed chase across the city to complete a specific series of tasks. With his kids trapped in the back seat and a bomb that will explode if they get out of the car, a normal commute becomes a twisted game of life or death as Matt follows the stranger’s increasingly dangerous instructions in a race against time to save his family.
- Laufzeit:
- 90 mins
- Darsteller:
- Lilly Aspell, Matthew Modine, Arian Moayed, Jack Champion, Liam Neeson, Embeth Davidtz, Jerry Kwarteng, Emily Kusche, Michael S. Ruscheinsky, Christian Koerner, Noma Dumezweni, Nedy John Cross, Antonije Stankovic, Daniel Grave
- Regisseu:
- Luc Etienne, Ron Halpern, Jaume Collet-Serra, Shanna Eddy, Christoph Fisser, Alex Heineman, Henning Molfenter, Andrew Rona, David Scheunemann, Samuel Shipp, Juan Sola, Charlie Woebcken
- Drehbuch:
- Alberto Marini, Christopher Salmanpour
- Produzent:
- Luc Etienne, Ron Halpern, Jaume Collet-Serra, Shanna Eddy, Christoph Fisser, Alex Heineman, Henning Molfenter, Andrew Rona, David Scheunemann, Samuel Shipp, Juan Sola, Charlie Woebcken
- Produktionsjahr: r
- 2023
- Datum der Veröffentlichung:
- Kinostart:
- 23/08/2023